Xinyue Chen


Hi, I'm Xinyue Chen. I am currently a third-year PhD candidate at Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, supervised by Prof. Xu Wang. Previously, I received my B.S. in the Department of Information Management from Peking University , advised by Prof. Pengyi Zhang

Research interests

My work investigates strategies to support the grounding process in collaboration, communication, and learning. Specifically, I develop human-AI collaborative techniques to assist people in making sense of information in streaming contexts, e.g., video meetings, and live lectures. Building on my experiences in designing AI-mediated communication systems, I explored the nuances of the AI assistance dilemma in communication and streaming-based learning contexts: to determine the desirable AI assistance levels that can minimize extraneous cognitive load in real-time sensemaking while maintaining user active engagement, and balance their reliance on AI with user agency. See more in my CV.


  • [May 2023] I will present our paper "Looking Together ≠ Seeing the Same Thing: Understanding Surgeons' Visual Needs During Intra-operative Coordination and Instruction" at CHI2024, May 14th 11:00 am at the healthcare training session
  • [May 2023] I'll participate in CHI Sensemaking Workshop and present our workshop paper: "Balancing Cognitive Effort and AI Assistance: an AI-assisted Sensemaking Framework for Synchronous Communication". Looking forward to chatting with people with similar research interests!
  • [April 2023] 🏆 Our paper “Looking Together ≠ Seeing the Same Thing: Understanding Surgeons' Visual Needs During Intra-operative Coordination and Instruction” got an honorable mention award in CHI2024
  • [April 2023] I'm going to start an internship at the Blended Reality for Effective Workflows (BREW) research group , Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
  • [March 2023] 🏆 So excited to be nominated as one of the 2024-2025 Barbour Scholars , the most prestigious scholarship funds exceptional women from Asia in University of Michigan
  • [Oct 2023] We will present our paper "MeetScript: Transcript-based Interactions Give People Additional Participation Channels in Group Video Meetings"in CSCW2023, Oct18 9:00 am
  • [Oct 2023] We will present our paper "My Culture, My People, My Hometown: Chinese Ethnic Minorities Seeking Cultural Sustainability by Video Blogging" is conditionally accepted in Oct18 9:00 am!
  • [July 2022] We'll present our paper "Scaling Mixed-Methods Formative Assessments(MixFA) in classrooms through a clustering pipeline" in AIED'22!


  • LLL

    LifeLongLearning Lab, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

    Research Assistant, June 2020 - Now

    Mentor: Xu Wang

    Topic: Designing online meeting and learning tools which support better mutual understanding.

  • salt

    SALT Lab, University of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Research Intern, Feb 2020 - April 2021

    Mentor: Yun Huang

    Topic: Understanding the new trend and practice in video community in China.

  • FBAI

    Department of Information Management, Peking University

    Undergraduate Student, Sep 2017 - July 2021

    Supervior: Pengyi Zhang

    Received Bachelor's Degree (with Honors) at PKU.